Why Do Cats Close Their Eyes When They Eat


Cats fascinate us with their intriguing behaviours, making us curious about what drives them. Many cat owners may observe cats close their eyes while eating. Why do cats close their eyes when they eat a peculiar action against typical feeding instincts? This article explores the reasons behind this behaviour, looking into the physical and behavioural aspects. Discovering why cats close their eyes during meals can provide insights into their evolution, how they communicate, and their general well-being.

The Evolutionary Perspective

Let’s go back to their past to understand why cats close their eyes when eating. In the wild, eating makes animals open to possible dangers. Cats might close their eyes while eating to guard against predators instinctively. This behaviour started as a way for them to stay watchful of what was happening around them. In nature, animals often compete for food, and by closing their eyes during meals, cats can concentrate on eating without getting distracted by dangers.

Moreover, closing their eyes could show that cats trust and feel happy. When cats share a meal with others, shutting their eyes signals they feel safe and comfortable. This behaviour may have developed as a way to communicate in groups, showing that they mean no harm to their companions. It helps build a friendly atmosphere during mealtime.

Avoiding Eye Irritation and Protecting Vision

Cats close their eyes while eating to protect their sensitive eyes from irritants like dust and particles in their surroundings. Chewing and handling food can create airborne particles, and when cats close their eyes, they naturally shield their eyes from potential irritation. This behaviour is beneficial for outdoor cats facing different environmental elements. Because a cat’s eyes are sensitive, this protective action is essential to keep their vision clear and avoid discomfort during meals.

The Role of Sensory Overload

Cats have super-sensitive whiskers that connect to their nervous system, helping them navigate and sense changes in the air.

The Role of Sensory Overload

These whiskers, or vibrissae, are deeply embedded in a cat’s body. They’re like tiny sensors that pick up on things around them, even in the dark. When cats eat, their whiskers detect different things, like the texture of the food, how deep it is, and if other cats or humans are close by.

When cats close their eyes while eating, it could be their way of managing too much sensory information. By closing their eyes, they block out what they see to focus more on the food’s taste, smell, and feel. This helps them enjoy their meals without getting overwhelmed by everything else. Even in a safe home with less danger, cats might keep doing this to improve their mealtime experience.

The Connection Between Trust and Vulnerability

Cats are often seen as independent so cats can become close to their human friends. They trust and feel vulnerable when they close their eyes while eating shows. In the wild, animals stay alert to stay safe, but a cat might feel safe enough to relax at home, especially when eating. If a cat closes its eyes while eating near its human, it trusts them deeply.

This action tells us that the cat feels safe and believes its human will keep it safe during this vulnerable time. This is especially noticeable in rescue cats or those who have had challenging experiences, as building trust with their human is essential for their emotional well-being.

Behavioral Conditioning and Comfort

Cats form habits based on their experiences and surroundings.

Behavioral Conditioning and Comfort

They may learn to close their eyes while eating if they connect mealtimes with good feelings. For instance, if a cat consistently feels safe, comfortable, and satisfied during meals, it will likely develop behaviours reflecting this positive association.

Imagine a kitten growing up in a caring environment, getting love and security during meals. Gradually, closing its eyes while eating becomes a learned response to the positive experiences linked with food. In such situations, this behaviour shows the cat’s emotions, indicating happiness and  feeling well.


Evolutionary Perspectives

Survival Instincts from the Wild

We must consider their evolutionary past to understand why cats close their eyes while eating. In the wild, cats stayed safe by hunting well and avoiding predators. Closing their eyes during meals might have developed as a way to survive and stay safe. In the wild, other animals that wanted to harm them often took chances when they were vulnerable, like eating. Closing their eyes could be a method for cats to ensure they were less likely to be surprised and attacked by predators.

Preserving Energy for Vigilance

Cats hunt mainly during dawn and dusk; they are most active. Closing their eyes while eating might be a way for cats to save energy. By not looking around during meals, cats can use more power to stay watchful and alert when they hunt the most. This behaviour could be in their genes, a leftover from their ancestors who needed to be very alert while eating to avoid dangers from other animals.



In conclusion, cats close their eyes while eating for various reasons like their history, sharp senses, and feelings. Figuring out why they do this gives us a better understand of how cats talk and stay alive. As cat owners, watching and liking these small details can strengthen our relationship with our cats. It helps us connect better, respecting and understanding the behaviours that make cats fascinating animals.


When Cats Close Their Eyes While Drinking Milk?

When cats drink milk and close their eyes, they’re happy and trust the situation. It shows that the cat feels safe and calm during this delicate activity, like when they close their eyes while eating. Ignoring what they see helps them enjoy drinking milk without worrying too much about what’s happening around them. This behaviour comes from a feeling of comfort and safety, showing that the cat trusts the place where it is.

What Does It Mean When a Cat Closes His Eyes? 

When a cat closes its eyes, especially with you, it probably feels happy and relaxed. Cats usually close their eyes to show they trust and feel comfortable. It means the cat thinks it’s safe and happy being around you. This is like when a person closes their eyes to enjoy something nice, like sitting in the sun or having a good time. So, when a cat closes its eyes near you, it’s a good sign that it trusts and likes being with you.

Why Do Cats Like to Be Stroked When Eating? 

Cats might like getting petted while they eat because they connect touch with good feelings. Petting makes cats feel good by releasing happy chemicals called endorphins. When done softly, it can make the cat’s mealtime even better. Also, in a home, getting touched while eating can be like the friendly grooming cats do in groups, making them feel safe and part of a group. But it’s essential to understand each cat is different, and not all of them may enjoy being touched during meals.

Why Does My Cat Look Around When Eating? 

While eating, cats look around because their instincts drive them to stay vigilant and protect themselves. Cats must be alert to possible dangers when eating their prey in the wild. This behaviour continues even in a home because it’s a survival instinct. Your cat’s awareness of its surroundings during meals helps it rapidly spot potential threats or disruptions. It proves their deep instincts, demonstrating how well they can manage the necessity for food while staying highly aware of what’s happening around them.

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